Acupuncture for insomnia and low energy
Sleep problems and tiredness can be debilitating, and can lead to a feeling of being unable to enjoy our lives or join in with the things we wish to. Acupuncture can be extremely effective in treating these symptoms and many patients who present with unrelated symptoms report improved sleep and energy after treatment.
Insomnia and sleep disturbances
People may experience insomnia or sleep disturbances from a wide range of causes. They may have been living with this for a long time without having found effective management.
Traditional Chinese acupuncture views the person as an integrated being, looking for imbalances on the spiritual, emotional and physical levels, and addressing these imbalances in an integrated way, facilitating the correct flow of Qi.
This allows the body to regulate itself and restore the natural sleep/wake cycle.
Low energy and exhaustion
Low energy and tiredness are extremely common symptoms presenting in my clinic. Low energy may be related to poor sleep, or it may be a symptom of another condition such as ME or fibromyalgia.
Some people experience exhaustion after an illness or a stressful event. Through the consultation process I identify which aspects of the Qi are not working harmoniously, and how that is inhibiting the building of energy.
Acupuncture treatment then works to address these imbalances - rebuilding, strengthening and moving Qi in the body to improve energy and resilience. I will also work with you to develop and implement gentle and sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes which are usually critical to improving energy.
Ready to book?
If you're ready to book, or if you want to chat with me about any questions you have, please contact me