Acupuncture for fertility, pregnancy, labour & postnatal care
Fertility issues are common, and can be very distressing. I have supported many people with their fertility and understand the emotional strain patients can feel throughout their journey, and the level of compassion they need.
Acupuncture has been shown to significantly increase the success rates of assisted fertility treatment and is a commonly used adjunct therapy. Everyone’s situation is unique, and the individualised diagnostic and treatment approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine fits particularly well.
Acupuncture can support natural conception and assisted fertility treatment such as IUI, IVF or ICSI. It’s useful to have acupuncture treatment regularly for a number of months in both cases.
Treatment can continue through the phases of IVF, tailored to the specific aspects of each phase. Research has also shown that treatments pre and post embryo transfer are very useful. These should be a day either side of the transfer, or as close as possible to maximise the benefit. I will stay in close contact with you to arrange sessions that are optimal to your schedule.
Pregnancy care
Acupuncture offers safe, gentle support during pregnancy for symptoms you may experience such as morning sickness, aches and pains, headaches, sleep disturbance, heartburn or stress and anxiety.
Acupuncture can be particularly effective for helping labour to begin. It is very gentle and does not ‘force’ the body into labour. The treatment is designed to move the Qi (pronounced 'chee') to allow the body to naturally begin the process itself.
The treatment would begin at the due date and continue every day, or every second day until labour begins.
Postnatal care
Traditional Chinese medicine has a particular perspective on the postnatal phase for a new mother. The replenishing and rebuilding of Qi and Blood is seen as very important for ongoing health.
Regular acupuncture, along with the correct diet, and an appropriate balance of activity and rest can be very supportive at this stage.
What patients say
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If you're ready to book, or if you want to chat with me about any questions you have, please contact me